
Let’s Make a Deal


The Friday File: Imagine having to choose one of three lotto tickets, two of which are worthless and one of which is valuable. Now suppose one of the two tickets not chosen is removed since the host knows it’s worthless.…

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Healthy Demand


Obamacare will reduce demand for employees at firms with slightly less than 50 workers and for hires wanting more than 30 hours/week of work. It’ll also reduce the supply of labor. Now, many employees work for health insurance. Once insurance…

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Shrinking Middle


Middle class is defined as adults with household incomes between two-thirds and twice the national median, or between $40,000 and $120,000 today. In 1971, 61% of adults were middle class, 14% were upper class and 25% were lower class. Today,…

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A Dose of Coase


Ron Coase, winner of the 1991 Nobel Prize in economics, died yesterday at 102. He was best known for his research into transaction costs and how it influences firm size, and the observation that a lack of property rights increases…

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Laboring On


The Friday File: Looking at both federally-mandated paid vacation and holidays among rich nations, Austria ranks number one with 35 days/year, Germany and Spain tie for second with 34, followed by Italy and France at 31, Belgium and New Zealand…

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Lousy Legislators


The most active Congress, as measured by the number of bills passed into law, excluding private bills, was the 84th (1955-1956) which passed 1,028 bills. Eisenhower (R) was President; Lyndon Johnson (D) was Senate Majority Leader and Sam Rayburn (D)…

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Hazardous Headwinds


While the economy is improving, it’s now facing huge headwinds. They include the need for a Continuing Resolution, hitting the debt ceiling, Syria and its impact on oil prices, who will be the next Chairman of the Federal Reserve, the…

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Plunging Purchases


Purchases of new homes plunged 13.4% in July to only 394,000, the steepest drop in years underscoring the uneven pace of recovery. Worse, April, May and June new home sales were revised sharply lower and are officially in the books…

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Accidental Growth


While Congress will inevitably pass a Continuing Resolution to fund the government beyond 9/30/13 when the current CR expires, a key question is at what spending level. If current funding levels are carried into FY14, as is usually the case…

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Bogus Benevolence


The Friday File: Organizations often promise that 10%, 20%, or even all profits go to charity, while other firms promise that a percentage of revenues go to charity. Of course charitable giving is always good, but as a curmudgeonly economist,…

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