About Elliot

Elliot Eisenberg, Ph.D., is an internationally acclaimed economist and public speaker specializing in making the arcana and minutia of economics fun, relevant, and educational. He earned a B.A. in economics with first-class honors from McGill University in Montreal, as well as a Master's and Ph.D. in public administration from Syracuse University. Eisenberg, a former Senior Economist with the National Association of Home Builders in Washington, D.C., is the creator of the multifamily stock index (the first nationally recognized index to track the total return of public firms principally involved in the ownership and management of apartments), the author of more than eighty-five articles, and is a regular consultant to several large real estate professional associations, hedge funds, and investment advisory groups. He has spoken to thousands of business groups and associations, usually as a keynote speaker.

Dr. Eisenberg is the Chief Economist for GraphsandLaughs, LLC, a Miami-based economic consulting firm that serves a variety of clients across the United States. He is a frequent speaker on topics including economic forecasts, the economic impact of industries such as home building and tourism, consequences of government regulation, strategic business development, and other current economic issues.
He authors a daily 70-word commentary on the economy that is delivered to more than 30,000 inboxes daily, as well as a weekly newsletter, Fourteen Fast Facts, that is available by subscription.
Elliot has visited 49 of 50 states and 45 of 50 state capitols (ask him which ones he is missing). He loves ice hockey and talking economics with crowds large and small. If you would like to get information on having Dr. Eisenberg speak to your group, please contact him by completing this form."
Why Econ70.com?
In December 2010, Elliot began writing a daily 70-word blog on the economy – hence the website’s name. As a personal challenge, he decided to take a current economic concept or issue and explain the topic in 70 words or fewer – not an easy thing to do. He writes and posts a blog every weekday except holidays and has written nearly 2,000 blogs, many of which are showcased on this page. Friday’s blog is always “The Friday File,” which is intentionally fun and lighthearted going into the weekend.l
Elliot’s blog is delivered daily to the inboxes of more than 35,000 people. You can subscribe to receive Elliot’s daily blog by completing the form here:
You can also text the word “BOWTIE” to 66866 to sign up to receive the daily blog via email. There are no graphs, no ads, no charts, no links, and no photos. Every email includes an option to unsubscribe. If you prefer, Elliot’s posts are also available on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Why Elliot Eisenberg is Not Your Average Public Speaker
Economics is boring, right? Not with Elliot Eisenberg! While Elliot lives, works, breathes, and thinks economics, he realizes that for most of us, that’s not the case, and he has spent years developing his uniquely passionate and entertaining presentations. While he starts with the expected charts and graphs, he immediately ramps up audience engagement. Walking around the room? Check! Engaging one-on-one with audience members? Check! Jumping on tables? After checking for stability first - Check! As a child, Elliot struggled, like many of us do, with boring teachers and topics, and so he has specifically developed his presentation style to pull in only the most contemporary topics and make them relevant and understandable. Your time is valuable, and he won’t waste it. Your attendees will stay for the entire presentation and walk out smiling!


North Star Synergies
“Dr. Elliot Eisenberg, Ph.D., is spot on with his daily economic blogs, short and long-term projections, and common sense approach to national and global macro and microeconomics!”
– S. Robert August, President

Western States Director Education Foundation
“The participants found Elliot’s economic outlook very valuable in understanding the drivers of a downturn in the economy. He also provided the group with a different perspective compared to the content from other economists and offered up clear predictions that will help one executive consider future decisions for his bank.
Elliot delivered 100+ and was easy, organized, and fun to strategize with. I highly recommend Dr. Eisenberg and look forward to working with him again.”
– Lisa Livingstone, Program Executive & Meeting Planner, Western States Director Education Foundation

Vinyl Siding Institute
“In a survey after the meeting, more than 95 percent of VSI’s members who responded said the information you shared was relevant for the industry. Many members told me that they hope you’ll join us again as a speaker — and we are ready to book you once more!”
– Jery Y. Huntley, President & CEO

Petroleum & Convenience Marketers of Alabama
“Boy, did you deliver! Your presentation was the most talked about event of the Expo. Attendee after attendee commented on how pertinent and informative your presentation was. They were amazed at how quickly the time seemed to pass (unusual for a session on Economics), and many commented they were sorry you didn’t have even more time.”
– J. Bart Fletcher, CAE, President

MLS Property Information Network
“Our attendees clapped, laughed, cried, and gave you a standing ovation. You made economics easy to understand and relevant to our attendee's business, which is not an easy feat. One of the best decisions we made in planning for CMLS…”
– Kathleen E. Condon, President & CEO

DURANGO Chamber of Commerce
“Every time Elliot has presented, I receive positive feedback from the members, asking when he is going to return and if he is accessible for questions. And every time, the answer is yes,”
- Said Jack Llewellyn, Executive Director

Century Mortgage Company
“Our company conducts quarterly seminars, and there is typically a 25%-30% percent no-show rate. For Elliot’s presentation, the crowd was “standing room only.” In 20 years of presenting, I have never seen a crowd as excited, enthusiastic, and as entertained … “
– Jeff Ratanapool, President