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Good Vs. Bad Inflation


The Fed via QE2 tried to generate inflation but got the wrong kind. Instead of wage inflation or real estate inflation (including house price increases) which causes people to ratchet up their spending because they feel richer, what we have…

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Courting Debt Ceiling Disaster


During the housing bust banks held mortgage debt they thought was safe. It wasn’t. In the crunch, they got scared and froze; so did the economy. If Cong fails to lift the debt ceiling the chain of events will be…

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Minorities Growing Fast


Demographics 101: Over the past decade the US population has grown by 9.7% to 309m. Minorities accounted for 92% of that growth. The ranks of Hispanics swelled by 43% to 51m. The Asian population grew at the same rate to…

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Student Loans Growing


There has been an incentive burst of auto buying recently but in reality the majority of credit growth can be found in student loans! It is worth noting that student loans are probably the only type of loan you can…

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No Inflation


Bernanke and a majority of Fed officials predict that the surge in oil prices will lead only to a modest and short-lived increase in consumer prices as firms will have a very tough time passing cost increases on to consumers…

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Beauty Beats Bucks


While money may not buy happiness beauty buys both money and happiness. Economic research shows that the beautiful are happier than the plain. Moreover, the majority of beauty’s effect on happiness works through its impact on economic outcomes! For example,…

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Budget Brawl Begins


The budget battle over FY ’12 is here! The R plan makes big cuts to Medicare & Medicaid, ignores Social Security (SS) and keeps the Bush tax cuts. The D plan, will also ignore SS (2 risky) and will propose;…

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Big Banks are Challenged


The lobbying power of big banks is being seriously challenged by an alliance of big retailers. The issue; the Durban amendment lowering interchange fess that banks collect when anyone buys anything with a debit card. Retailers pay the fee but…

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Chinese Trade Deficit!


Yesterday China reported that imports ($400bn) had exceeded exports ($399bn) in Q1 ‘11. This tiny deficit, China’s first in 7 years is an encouraging development for the world economy. It comes after 2 successive years of import growth outpacing exports.…

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Republicans Budgeting Badly


The Ryan G.O.P. Budget Proposal to abolish Medicare and replace it with vouchers to be used to buy private health insurance may be a great idea but privatizing Medicare does nothing to limit health-care costs. In fact, it almost surely…

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