
Hagel Hurts


Nominating Senator Hagel for Secretary of Defense raises serious doubts among allies and enemies that President Obama will use all means necessary to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Therefore, the chances of a negotiated settlement fall (despite biting sanctions),…

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Euro Risk


Despite the euro zone being in recession, the euro is dramatically rising against the US dollar, from $1.20/euro in July to $1.36 today. Why, because massive European Central Bank (ECB) action prevented Spain from collapsing, and the ECB is fast…

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Doubling Debt


While per capita debt has ballooned from $1,640 in 1/66 to $53,000 today, it’s the growth rate that matters. Between 1/66 and 10/77 (11.75 years) the debt doubled. It doubled again by 7/84 (6.75 years), again by 10/90 (6.25 years),…

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Bad Green Vegetables


The Friday File: 2.2 million Americans get sick annually from contaminated leafy vegetables. That represents 23% of all food-borne illness. Fruits, vegetables and nuts sicken 4.4 million persons, beef, pork and poultry cause 2.1 million illnesses and dairy products, another…

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GDP Behaving Badly


Despite GDP contracting at an annual rate of 0.1% in Q4 2012, the worst quarter since the end of the recession in 6/09, another recession isn’t in the cards. That’s because the data also showed relatively strong spending by consumers…

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Sequester Certainty


Given Republican unwillingness to raise taxes and Democratic insistence on it, the delayed automatic $110 billion sequester will kick-in on March 1st. This will reduce GDP growth by 0.75% and guarantees a weak first half of ’13 as the economy…

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Reserved Federal Reserve


As the economy strengthens, the Fed must begin to end its exceptionally expansionary monetary policy of the last half decade. It will begin by halting its purchases of $85 billion/month in Treasuries and mortgage-backed-securities. Second, it will stop reinvesting interest…

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Government Goes On!


If a continuing resolution is not passed by the Congress by 3/27/13, the Obama administration will be forced to shut down activities funded by appropriations and all non-essential government operations. But this isn’t that ominous. Only 40% of federal spending…

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Nobel Chocolate


The Friday File: Flavanols in cocoa slow and even reverse age-related cognitive decline. Better yet, a nations’ annual per-capita chocolate consumption is correlated with the number of Nobel laureates. The country with the most Nobels per-capita and the greatest per-capita…

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Gimme Growth


While raising taxes and cutting spending can solve our debt problem, a better approach is to foster faster growth! If an increase of 1% in the economy’s growth rate were maintained over the next decade, the debt-to-GDP-ratio in 2023 would…

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