
Fiscal Failure


Despite low interest rates, the medium-term fiscal outlook is deteriorating. Last year debt-to-GDP in 2025 was projected to be 81%, it’s now 91%, up from 75.6% today. This is because realistically, revenues are expected to remain flat while spending rises…

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Rate Retrenchment


Earlier today, the Fed announced, unsurprisingly, that it wasn’t raising short-term rates. What was mildly surprising is that despite pretty decent domestic growth, the Fed now expects to raise rates by just half a percentage point in 2016. In December,…

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Family Finances


Household liabilities peaked in Q3/08 at $14.3 trillion. They then declined, bottoming at $13.3 trillion in Q3/12. They have steadily risen since and are now $14.2 trillion. As a percentage of GDP, household liabilities peaked at 98.2% of GDP in…

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Brilliant Banking


Last Thursday, the ECB unleashed numerous measures to boost lending and inflation in Europe. The ECB pushed rates further into negative territory, from -0.3% to -0.4%, boosted the size of their bond purchases by €20 billion/month, and will now PAY…

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Passport Prerogative


The Friday File: A German passport allows bearers to visit 177 countries visa-free, more than any other nation. Sweden follows at 176, followed by Finland, France, Italy, Spain and the UK all at 175. In 8th position are Belgium, Denmark,…

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Median Money


Among those 16 and over in the US who earned money in 2014, earning $10,000 put you in the 20th percentile of those with earned income. If you earned $27,000, you were in the 50th percentile while those earning $50,000…

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Postal Positions


Postal service employment peaked at 909,500 in 4/99. It then began a slow but steady decline, but temporarily peaked at 781,600 in December 2007, just before the start of the Great Recession. It then rapidly fell, hitting a trough of…

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Expert Perspective


This year’s speaker at the Builder & Developer Luncheon, Dr. Elliot Eisenberg, offered a lively take on the current economy. Read more here.

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Chinese Continuation


In 2016, China is aiming for GDP growth of 6.5% to 6.7%. While that’s way too high, China will make it happen. That means increasing the money supply and lending by a dangerously high 13% each, having a budget deficit…

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Jolly Jobs


Friday’s employment numbers showed 242,000 net new jobs and cumulative upward revisions of 30,000 for prior months. The labor force participation rate hit 62.9%, a level not exceeded since 3/14, and the unemployment rate was unchanged as discouraged workers keep…

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