
The spring home-buying season could use more homes


Elliot speaks with Aaron Schrank about how consumers and homebuilders are feeling about the economy. Read more here.

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Partying Patrick’s


The Friday File: 56.1% of Americans will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, 82.5% of them will wear green, and the average amount spent to celebrate will be $38/person; $5.3 billion, equal to the GDP of Bermuda. St. Patrick’s Day is the…

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Macroeconomic Microcosm


16Q4 GDP growth was a perfect microcosm of US economic activity of the last several years. GDP growth was a disappointing 1.9%, albeit par for the course of late. More importantly, household consumption, 69% of GDP, grew a solid 2.97%…

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Flat Farming


In 2006, US net farm income was $57.7 billion. It then rose in five of the next seven years, peaking in 2013 at $123.7 billion. Since then, farm income has steadily declined, falling to $68.5 billion in 2016 and is…

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Broken Brazil


The worst recession in Brazil’s history is two years old. Brazil’s GDP declined 3.8% in 2015 and 3.6% in 2016, a decline totaling 7.26%. If you add Brazilian population growth during those years, per capita GDP declined by a whopping…

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Meaty Manpower


February’s net job growth was 235,00 and January’s number was revised up 11,000 to 238,000! The unemployment rate declined to 4.7%, the labor force grew by 340,000, Y-o-Y wage growth rose from 2.6% to 2.8%, those working part-time involuntarily declined…

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Nifty Names


The Friday File: After controlling for ethnicity, age, socioeconomic factors and so on, volunteers were better able to match up names of people to their pictures than chance. In an example, with four photos and four names, volunteers got the…

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Exemplary Expansion


On 3/1/17, the current economic expansion entered its 93rd month, making it the third longest in US history. Heretofore, that title went to the 92 month long, 1982-1990 Morning-in-America recovery. The longest, the 1991-2001 10-year Tech Boom recovery. If this…

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Rapid Rise


It took just 24 days for the Dow Jones Industrial Average to go from 20000 to 21000. That tied the record for the fastest 1000-point rise set on 5/3/99 when the DJIA surpassed 11000. That was a rise of 10%,…

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Auditioning Auditors


As of 1/31/17, the partner at an accounting-firm heading up an audit of a US public firm is public information. As expected, auditors fought against this rule mightily. Can you say Enron, Worldcom and Bernie Madoff? This increased accountability should…

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