
One Occupancy


In 1940, the percentage of one-person households in the USA was 7.7%, by 1960 it was 13.3%, and by 1980, 22.7%. In 2000, the rate was 25.8% and in 2016, 28.1%! DC has the highest percentage of one-person households at…

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Interesting Inflation


While the Fed increased short-term rates by one-quarter-of-one percent, as expected, it’s their intention to raise rates again this year by the same amount that was mildly surprising. With inflation slowing across the globe and core CPI down steadily since…

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House Holdings


Household net worth climbed by $2.3 trillion in 17Q1 and it is now a record $94.8 trillion and a record 5 times GDP, well higher than during the housing or dotcom booms. Stock market wealth rose by $1.3 trillion and…

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Fearsome Fed


From 1914-2006 there were 19 interest rate rising cycles. We’re now in the 20th. In 16 of the 19, a recession followed, meaning 84% of the time a recession followed a sustained rise in short-term rates. However, since WWII there…

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Drug Data


The Friday File: Through age 30, the percentage of Millennials that consume alcohol (80%), marijuana (20%) and cocaine (3%) is virtually identical as it was for Gen-Xers of the same age. For all three substances, it is Boomers that were…

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Costly Congress


Before the final vote is cast, the upcoming 6/20/17 special election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District will be, by far, the most expensive US Representative race in history, with total spending as of 5/25/17 of $37 million. The previous high…

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Open Opportunities


Job openings hit an all-time high of 6 million in April, and the number of hires fell by 259,000 to 5 million. The gap between openings and hires of 1 million is also the highest on record and suggests that…

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Crummy Cars


After bottoming at a seasonally adjusted annual sales rate of 9 million cars and light trucks in 2/09, car sales increased almost nonstop through 10/15 when sales hit 18.1 million. Since then, only in 12/16 did sales exceed 18 million,…

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Jolly Jobs


Despite just 138,000 net new May jobs and downward revisions to March and April, US job growth is solid and well above the level needed to absorb new job entrants. To wit, the unemployment rate fell to 4.3%, the lowest…

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Bed Bucks


The Friday File: It’s known that sunset is much earlier on the eastern edge of a time zone than the western edge. Separately, research shows people sleep longer when the sun sets earlier and more sleep is thought to improve…

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