
Very Valuable


Since 1926, only 11 companies have ranked #1 by market capitalization; Amazon is the latest. Firms that become #1 remain in that position for an average of about 15 months and outperform the market by an average of 48 percentage…

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Dwelling Deficiency


With San Francisco Bay Area housing prices in the stratosphere, the private sector is now planning to raise $500 million for affordable housing. Assuming affordable housing costs $400,000/unit, this will create just 1,250 units! The real problem: since 2010 the…

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Nanoscopic Number


For the week ending 1/19/19, first-time claims through state programs for unemployment fell to 199,000, the lowest level since 11/15/1969! Moreover, first-time claims have been below 300,000, a level associated with strong job growth, since 3/21/15, or 200 straight weeks,…

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Spendy Spices


The Friday File: The priciest spice in the world is saffron at $5,000/lb. It takes 50,000 to 75,000 flowers to get one pound of saffron, with the best coming from Kashmir and Iran. A distant second is vanilla, which primarily…

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Declining Dwellings


December existing home sales came in at rate of just 4.99 million, the lowest since 11/15. Sales are down 10.3% Y-o-Y, 6.4% M-o-M, and the median price increased just 2.9% Y-o-Y, the weakest since 2/12, to $253,600. CY2018 sales were…

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Closure Cost


According to Trump’s Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, the government closure is knocking 0.13 of a point/week off GDP, not 0.05%/week as previously assumed. If the closure last through March, and that’s a big if, 19Q1 GDP growth…

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Earning Excellence


Despite volatile equities, slowing global growth, a stronger dollar, trade disputes, and rising wages, corporate earnings look good. While 18Q4 earnings growth estimates have fallen from 20.1% to 14% over the past four months, the current ratio of negative to…

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Beijing Bargaining


Chinese exports to the US fell 3.5% Y-o-Y in December, while global Chinese exports declined 4.4% Y-o-Y in December. Worse, imports fell 7.6% Y-o-Y in December, suggesting domestic Chinese demand is skidding. In another sign of a Chinese slowdown, the…

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Brilliant Bogle


The Friday File: Earlier this week, John Bogle, a crusader for investor’s rights and the man who virtually single-handedly invented index funds, died at 89. His relentless focus on cutting investment fees at his firm (Vanguard), and the reduction in…

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Federal Fiasco


The US government directly employs 2 million civilians. Active-duty military number 1.3 million, and the USPS employs 500,000. There are also 1.3 million grant employees, persons paid through a federal grant and roughly 4 million contract employees. The total, 9.1…

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