
Critical Census


The first US census day was 8/2/1790 and determined that the US population was 3,893,635. The Census included the 13 original states, plus the districts of Kentucky, Maine, Vermont and the Southwest Territory (TN). It included free White males, free…

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For the week ending 3/18/20, home equity loans outstanding rose $2.3 billion to $317.2 billion. Outside of an increase during the last government closure, this was the first increase in home equity loans since the week ending 2/1/12, when they…

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Economic Evaporation


Between hospitality & leisure, store-based retail, and other sectors that face forced limitations, about 36% of the US economy is being impacted in the effort to curb the spread of Covid-19. If the restrictions reduce activity in these sectors by…

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Frequent Flicks


The Friday File: 8% of American who were recently surveyed considered “binge-watching” to consist of watching two straight episodes of a show. 27% thought three back-to-back episodes qualified as binge-watching, and 22% thought four episodes is what is needed. 13%…

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Plummeting Positions


For the past several years, weekly job losses averaged about 225,000/week. Last week they jumped to 282,000, and the all-time high was 695,000 set during the week ending 10/2/82. During the Great Recession, first time unemployment claims peaked at 665,000…

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Ponderous Politicians


On first review, it looks like the $2 trillion Coronavirus aid package is good. Assorted aid to adversely affected individuals and families, loans to businesses both big and small, incentives for firms to hold on to their employees, as well…

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Airline Assistance


While many industries and business need a rescue package, so do airlines and their employees. In the case of airlines, there must be a quid pro quo. While some want to prevent share buybacks, why not ban baggage and change…

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Fantastic Fed


This morning, the Fed essentially said it would do “whatever it takes” to keep credit markets functioning after doing the same for funding markets last week. The Fed is committed to unlimited quantitative easing (which will help housing), the purchase…

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Precious Paper


The Friday File: The average American flushes 57 sheets of toilet paper/day, almost 21,000 sheets/year; slightly over 100 rolls/annum. That works out to 384 trees over a lifetime! US spending on toilet paper rolls up to $9 billion/year; $27.70/person. For…

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Dangerous Data


For the week ending 3/16/20, hotel occupancy rates fell 24.4% Y-o-Y. In PA, NJ and DE, February manufacturing activity plummeted to its lowest level since 7/12; in NY, manufacturing declined more. For the week ending 3/14, job losses jumped 70,000…

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