Month: May 2012

Structural or Cyclical?


Some argue that the unemployed have skills that are simply not needed. Thus, deficit spending will not get us out of this “structural” recession. But, if this were a “structural” problem, the unemployment rate for recent college grads would be…

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Euro Budget Craziness


The European Stability and Growth Pact, that Germany is insisting on –-which requires governments to keep deficits to no more than 3% of GDP — is nuts. In good times, it promotes increased government spending but forces cuts in recessions.…

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Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News


Over the next 20 years, 10K baby boomers turn 65 daily, doubling the number of Medicare enrollees. In part, that’s why annual Medicare spending is expected to reach an unsustainable $1 trillion by ’21; 20% of all government spending. While…

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Baby, Baby?


The Friday File: Twin births in the US are soaring. In ’09, 1 in 30 babies born was a twin. In ’80 it was just 1 in 53! Why? Women in their 30s just have fraternal twins more often and…

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Bugs and Drugs


Antibiotics (ABs) work against bacteria, not viruses. Yet out of ignorance, patients press doctors to prescribe ABs for viruses. Doctors do it to please ill-informed patients. Regrettably, this results in drug resistant bacteria; a terrifying public health hazard. The dilemma…

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The China Syndrome


China’s economy must slow dramatically, here’s why. China’s growth over the last few decades has been based on huge government investment. But good projects are getting hard to find and rich countries are growing slowly, if at all. Thus exports…

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Give Me Your Tired…


Christians, 33% of the world’s population, comprise half the world’s 214 Million Immigrants (MI). Muslims, 25% of the population, comprise 28% or 60 MI, Hindus, 15% of the population, comprise 5% or 11 MI, and Jews, 0.25% of the population,…

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School Rules


While the labor market is improving, high school dropouts aren’t seeing it. For dropouts over 25, the unemployment rate is 13%, while it’s just 8.5% for high school grads and 4.2% for persons with a college degree or more. Worse,…

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PC Porn


The Friday File: Of the million most popular websites, 4% are sex-related. If you count by search, about 10% to 15% of all searches are porn related. On a monthly basis, the most popular porn website regularly attracts 2.5% of…

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Death by Economy


It’s known that mortality rates rise in economic expansions. Why? In better economic times, nursing care quality falls and since women use nursing homes at the end of their life way more than men, the bad care kills older women.…

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