70 Words

Falling Income


In Feb there was no rise in average weekly wages, but there was a 0.5% inflation in consumer prices meaning that real incomes fell by 0.5%. They have now fallen in 5 of the last 6 months during with time…

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Lousy Job Market


Latest job data for Jan showed job openings dropped 161K after a 45K decline in Dec and are at lowest level since 7/09. New hires also fell 193K and are down in 6 of last 7 months. The fact layoffs…

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Marketing Risk


Can markets correctly price outsized risk? Given 9/11, Katrina, the financial collapse of ’08, the BP oil spill, the turmoil in the Arab world and the quake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan, there are huge threats to stability. Unfortunately,…

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Watch Your Minutes!


AT&T to buy T-mobile USA for $39bn from Deutsche Telekom creating the 2nd largest wireless carrier with 120m subscribers. These giant mergers occur in mature industries as the only way to get new customers is to buy them & the…

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Measuring Happiness


There is a growing body of economic research being devoted to measuring happiness. And, to briefly summarize, what researchers have found is that money isn’t the key. What really gives people meaning and happiness is a combination of 4 things:…

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Misery Loves Company


Newspaper advertising in the US has sunk to a 25 year low as readership migrates to the web where advertising is far cheaper. Advertisers spent $25.8 billion on newspaper and digital editions in 2010; the lowest since 1985. And, after…

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Impact of Disaster in Japan


Impact of disaster in Japan on US is tiny: Oil prices drop by $1.50 as Japan shuts down 6 refineries; 31% of its capacity. Yen rises slightly as insurers convert foreign holdings into Yen to pay for rebuilding. Japanese gov’t…

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Irish GDP


The ratio of Irish debt/GDP is now 100% and approaching an unsustainable 120%. Now each 1% point reduction in the interest rate the Irish pay the European Central Bank for their bailout loan cuts their long term debt load by…

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WI Musings…


Unions are a way for suppliers of a particular service (firemen, policemen, teachers) to legally collude with respect to wages, vacations, holidays, pensions, healthcare and so on. It would be akin to cell phone companies agreeing to fix prices, service…

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Borrowing and Bail


Borrowing costs for Portugal, Ireland and Greece have hit highs amid concern that Europe will not take action to dispel fears of sovereign defaults. Long term rates for Spain came close to setting a record and Italy’s cost rose above…

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