The Bowtie Economist's Daily Dose of 70-Word Wisdom

Greek Gamble


The latest Greek bailout is shaping up as a race between a fast shrinking economy and better access to credit and lower interest payments that hopefully encourage private sector growth. The problem is absent rapid growth in exports and tourism,…

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Gas Up, GDP Down


Every penny rise in gas costs the economy $1.8 billion/yr. With gas at $3.65, 40 cents more than a year ago, that’s a $72 billion tax. If prices rise another 40 cents, bringing the price within six cents of the…

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Baby, Baby


New research shows that a 10% rise in house prices leads to a 1% decrease in births among non-homeowners, who must now save more and do so by delaying having kids. However, this negative effect is more than offset by…

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What is That Worth?


The cost of noise: In NYC, a 500 sq ft studio near 70th and 2nd Ave. rents for $1,800 a month or $43/sq ft. But due to ongoing noise, dust and explosions from nearby subway work, the apartment now rents…

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$uper Bowl


The Super Bowl was viewed by 111.3 million people and 47% of all households with TVs. While the number who watched set a record, the percentage figure was #12 all-time. The final episode of MASH which was viewed by 60%…

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Marriage: Losing its Appeal?


Marriage rates have been falling for decades, especially among the lower classes. It’s because lower class women tend to work but lower class men don’t. Thus, these women find no economic gain from marrying. As these trends work their way…

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Casino Economy


Gamblers bet more in ’11 than in ’10, the first increase since ’07. Through the first 11 months of ’11 revenues were up 2.3% to $32.6 billion. NV saw a rise of 2.8% to $10.7 billion but, the #2 casino…

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Going to the Dogs


The Friday File: The most costly dog in the world, a Tibetan Mastiff, was recently sold for $1.5 million. Usually that breed (the 7th most expensive) sells for between 2K and 7K. The 3rd most expensive breed, the Samoyed, can…

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Recessionary Austerity


The deep recession in Greece and the milder one in Portugal don’t matter to the overall performance of the euro-zone, as they are less than 5% of the area. They are, proof that during a recession repeated government spending cuts…

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Honey, Where are the Kids?


According to the Census Bureau, the number of people under 18 fell by 260,000 between 7/1/10 and 7/1/11. The last decline in the child population was in the 70s when the boomers were no longer teens but not yet adults.…

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