
Construction Contributions


While investment in single-family structures in 21Q1 rose 22% Y-o-Y, it totaled just $375 billion, or 1.7% of GDP, and is barely above the lows of all recessions except the Housing Bust. Conversely, in 21Q1 home improvement jumped to $325…

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Epic Economics


In a pair of trials that may dramatically alter the economics of the $150 billion/year US app market, Epic Games, the maker of the very popular game Fortnite, is suing Apple and Google after both removed Fortnight from their respective…

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Big Beatings


So far this earnings season, 87% of firms have beat analysts profit expectations, well above the normally inflated 65%. Moreover, the earnings beats have averaged 22.8%, crushing the 3.6% average since 1994. Why? Large firms have taken market share from…

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Blazing Basketball


The Friday File: In 2001, 17% of NBA shots were threes, in 2011 it was 22%, in 2016 it was 28%, and now it’s 40%! Moreover, players have been making more of their threes since 2017 than they did from…

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Good Growth


GDP grew at a pleasantly fast 6.4% annualized rate in 21Q1 and is now just 0.9% below its inflation-adjusted level on 12/31/19. It will surpass that level in mid-May 2020. By contrast, it took more than three years for real…

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Redistricting Results


During the upcoming redistricting cycle, Republicans will control map drawing in 188 House districts, Democrats 73, versus a 219-44 edge in 2011. The remaining seats are in states where power is split, a commission is in charge, or states have…

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Bank Bucks


While bank earnings are way up from where they were in 20Q1, looks can be deceiving. The biggest earnings drivers have come from increases in trading, capital markets (fees from stock and bonds sales), and large releases of loan loss…

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Holy Housing


March sales of new homes hit a seasonally adjusted annualized rate 1.02 million, 20% above the very strong February number of 846,000, their best performance since 11/06. Moreover, the inventory of completed homes for sale is at record low, below…

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Streaming Services


The Friday File: In 2015, the average US household had 1.6 streaming subscriptions, it rose to 1.7 in 2016, and 2.0 in 2017. In 2018, it hit 2.2, in 2019 2.7, and in 2020, amazingly 3.1. 75% of households have…

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Amazing Aviation


In 1996, prior to the current aviation safety regime, US passenger airlines had a fatal accident rate of one crash for every two million departures. That year, there were 350 deaths in domestic airline accidents. By 2006, the rate had…

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