
Recession Result


The Sars-Cov-2 recession began 3/20. When did it end? The US recession definition is a significant decline in economic activity across the economy that lasts more than a few months. Importantly, recessions end when growth stops contracting. Economic activity bottomed…

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Domicile Downer


May new homes sales came in at a lackluster annualized rate of 769,000/year, well off their 1/21 near 15-year high of 993,000 and their 7/20-1/21 monthly average of over 900,000. Worse, April sales were revised down to 817,000. High prices,…

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Inexact Index


Last week, NAR reported home prices rose by a stunning 23.6% Y-o-Y. Indexes that compare the change in price of the same home, which is how the CPI measures consumer inflation, and which carefully control for the mix of homes…

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Spending Shift


Real consumer spending in May fell 0.4% M-o-M. Real durable goods spending declined 4.3%, while real spending on non-durables eased 0.5%. Conversely, real spending on services, which is 60% of overall spending, rose 0.4%. Households with incomes greater than $200,000…

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Swiss Soldiering


The Friday File: The 500 millionth Swiss Army Knife rolled off the Swiss assembly line in 2017, the first ones were assembled in the 1880s. 45,000 are made/day, and the Work Champ XL offers the most functions, 29, and sells…

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Newborn Numbers


The number of births in the US fell to 3.61 million, the lowest level since 1979 and down 4% from 2019. The fertility rate, or the average number of babies/woman over her lifetime, fell to 1.64, the lowest ever. Births…

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Interim Inflation


Last spring, inflation, or deflation, as measured by the CPI was falling at -4%/quarter and producer prices were declining at a rate of -8%/year, yet no lasting deflationary pressures appeared. The same holds true now for inflation. Come fall, schools…

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Crummy Comparison


Many commentators suggest that since the Roaring 1920s followed the Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918, the Roaring 2020s will follow Covid-19. Wrong! Back then the median age in the US was 28, today it’s 38. Then, debt-to-GDP was 10%, now…

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Insufficient Inventories


In a sign of how strong demand is and weak supply is, the retail inventories-to-sales ratio is an astonishingly low 1.07, its lowest level since record-keeping began in 1/92. It’s also much lower than the previous low of 1.34 set…

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Moon Movement


The Friday File: When the moon is full and passes closest to Earth, it’s called a supermoon. The technical term is perigee syzygy. On 5/25/21, perigee (when the moon is closest to Earth) was at 9:50pm EDT; the moon was…

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