
Data Divergence


For the first time in two years, CEO sentiment has turned positive. Moreover, it is up from levels always previously associated with recessions. Great news. Unfortunately, the percentage of firms in consumer-facing sectors mentioning weak demand is at the third…

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Misguided Markets


Financial markets are worthless in predicting future events. To wit, in mid-January Wall Street was predicting that the Fed would cut the Fed funds rate by a total of 170bps in 2024, almost seven quarter-point cuts, even though the Fed…

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Budget Blowout


Through the first four months of FY24 (October-January) the budget deficit reached $532 billion, up 16% or $73 billion compared to a deficit of $459 billion during the same period in FY2023. While seemingly expansionary, the increase was more than…

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Borrowing Bonanza


In 23Q4, consumer debt rose $212 billion. Mortgage balances increased $112 billion, HELOCs rose $11 billion, credit card balances added $50 billion, auto loans were up $12 billion, and other balances such as retail cards and consumer loans increased $25…

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Super Success


The Friday File: Since the start of CY2019, the KC Chiefs have played 20 games when the moon is a waxing crescent, a growing toenail sliver. And of those 20 games they have won 19. By contrast the 49ers are…

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Favorite FICO


While there are many newer FICO versions, for home mortgages, FICO Score 5 is based on Equifax data, FICO Score 4 is based on TransUnion data, and FICO Score 2 is based on Experian data. Your mortgage FICO score is…

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Cable Contraction


In 1980, the number of households with pay-TV subscriptions including cable, satellite, and telecom firms totaled 20 million. By 1989 it was 50 million, in 2000 it surpassed 75 million, and the peak was 100 million between 2009-2014. Since then,…

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Data Divergence


Despite job growth of 353,000, the January employment report contained troubling data. Ignoring weather-related phenomena including the length of the workweek, which shrank, hourly earnings, that jumped, and personal income, which was flat, the data is showing a troubling rise…

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Excellent Employment


Employers created a stunningly strong 353,000 new jobs in January, and December employment was revised up from 216,000 to a hefty 333,000. While freakishly cold weather and seasonal adjustment factors undoubtedly had an impact, the economy isn’t rolling over. Moreover,…

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Checkout Choices


The Friday File: When given a choice, 34% of the public prefer a self-checkout kiosk, 56% prefer a live cashier, and 10% don’t care. Among those 18-44, 48% prefer self-checkout, 37% prefer a cashier, 15% don’t care. For 45–54-year-olds, 30%…

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