
Dwelling Decline


Home price declines in December are unsurprising, what is surprising is the size of the decline we are seeing. For the four years ending 12/21, the December price declines from the peak in that same year ranged from -7% in…

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Work Week


In 1965, the average workweek for production and nonsupervisory workers was 38.6 hours, close to the mythical 40-hour workweek. It’s declined ever since, we are wealthier. In 1975 it was 36 hours, in 1985 it fell to 34.9, in 1995…

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Landline Losses


The Friday File: As recently as 2004, 90% of US households had a landline phone. By 2008 it was 80%, by late 2010 it was 70%, and by mid-2013 it was 60%. In mid-2015, landlines were in just 50% of…

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Miserable Manufacturing


Recent data have eliminated any doubts that the U.S. manufacturing is in a recession, with the Empire State manufacturing index now at recessionary levels. Moreover, nationwide industrial and manufacturing production have both declined by over 0.5% for two months in…

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Population Problem


In 2022 China’s population declined from 1.413 billion, to 1.412 billion, a decline of a million. This is the first since a famine in the early 1960s. This time, however, the decline will continue for the rest of the century.…

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Totally Transitory


Economists are now measuring inflation by excluding food and energy, which gets to core-inflation, and then subtracting goods, which results in core services inflation, and then shelter. The reason for removing these items is to rid the inflation data of…

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Debt Dynamic


While Friday’s Treasury announcement that the debt limit will be breached on 1/19/23 is concerning, the Treasury will again employ “extraordinary measures” to keep the government functioning through early June. If the ceiling isn’t raised by then, watch out. With…

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Solidly Sober


The Friday File: The Percentage of Americans over 21 participating in Dry January is 15% down from 19% last year. The decline from 2022 is probably due to there being fewer drinkers. The share of Millennials – the generation that…

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Employment Excellence


Compared to 2/20, employment in professional and business services is up one million, transportation employment is up 500,000, and employment in healthcare, retail trade, information services, construction, manufacturing, financial activities, educational services and wholesale trade are also up. Employment in…

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Rural Redefined


In 2010, the percentage of the U.S. population living in rural areas was 19.3%. Today, the percentage is 20%. This is not due to some Covid-induced movement. Rather, the Census Bureau has redefined the definition of an urban area from…

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