
Sell Phone Patents for Sale


Google’s $12.5 billion purchase of Motorola Mobility, and its 17K patents, will get FTC and Justice Department approval. After all, it’s a big company picking up a small one in a very different space. The big concern is that Google…

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Quantitative Easing 3?


QE worked miracles by injecting massive liquidity into the economy in ’08 and ’09, and staved off a depression. While smaller, QE2 boosted equity prices and weakened the $US which boosted exports, raised commodity prices and headline inflation. If we…

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Here a Credit, There a Credit


House prices are currently weak in the UK, France, Germany Ireland, Italy and the US. But they are way up in Canada, China, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, S. Africa and Sweden. Why? The former countries had a housing bubble that…

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Weak. Very Weak.


Weak in review: 10-yr Treasury rates fell to their lowest level since 4/50 and the stock market plummeted! This was due to the unfolding Euro disaster, a benign fear of long-term US inflation and a dismal Philly Fed number, a…

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There’s a Tear in my Beer…


The Friday File: Due to costly raw materials and slow growth, a wave of consolidation is pouring over the beer industry. The 4 biggest breweries; Anheuser-Busch-InBev, SABMiller, Heinekin and Carlsberg all foreign (the biggest US owned brewery is Sam Adams),…

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LIBOR Losing Relevance


The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is losing relevance. Outstanding LIBOR borrowings have fallen 63% in the past 3 years and it has failed to capture turmoil in the banking sector due to the Euro crisis. Why? Central banks around…

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Europeans in Denial


Euro leaders continue to deny the debt crisis they face. Rather than boosting the size of the Euro Stability Fund, which would give investors in Italian and Spanish bonds confidence, they ban short selling for a few weeks, get the…

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Debate’s Effect on Sentiment


The University of Michigan consumer sentiment index fell to 54.9 (the lowest level since the recession of ‘81)! This reading is, I think, a result of the corrosive debt ceiling debate; not due to chronic problems like high unemployment and…

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Undervalued Yuan


Chinese exchange rate and monetary policy is little more than a huge a transfer of income from poor households to wealthy corporations. An undervalued Yuan makes imports expensive but helps exporters. Similarly, very low interest rates on savings accounts and…

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Labels and Quality


The Friday File: Designers of fancy clothes believe their clothes lend an air of status and prestige to the wearer. And they do! Research shows that it is not the design itself that counts but the label! Why? Same reason…

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