
Family Formation


While the homeownership rate slipped to a 26-year low of 63.8% in Q1/15, it’s now falling for the right reasons. Rather than dropping as homeowners become renters, it’s falling because hordes of new, primarily renter households are being formed. Between…

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Mandarin Movement


In 2013, China sent 147,000 immigrants (legal and illegal) to the US, more than any other nation. India was next at 129,000, and in third place was former perennial top-dog Mexico with 126,000. During the first half of the last…

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Mexican Mayo


The world’s largest Cinco de Mayo celebration is in Los Angeles and 5/05 is not Mexico’s independence day, that’s 9/16. On Cinco de Mayo, Americans will consume 81 million avocados and eat tortillas from one of 367 American tortilla manufacturing…

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Dr. Eisenberg presents results of economic impact study on Transit Oriented Development in the Denver Metro Area.


Dr. Eisenberg presents results of economic impact study on Transit Oriented Development in the Denver Metro Area.

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Pugilist Payday


The Friday File: Tomorrow’s Mayweather-Pacquiao bout is expected to bring in $300 million in pay-per-view revenue from 3 million viewers, north of $72 million from ticket sales, plus tens of millions more from sponsorships and international broadcast sales. The current…

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Warming Wages


Although Q1 GDP rose just 0.2%, the labor market continues to improve. First-time claims for unemployment were just 262,000 last week, the lowest level since 4/00, while the less volatile four-week moving average is at a level last seen in…

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Worried Whales


While the world population of barnyard animals continually grows, the population of whales dwindles. The reason is property rights. Most goats, cows or pigs belong to someone with a strong incentive to protect them. However, whales are owned by no…

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Labor Lost


In 11/43, manufacturing employment (ME) hit a record 16.6 million and 22 years later in 7/65, hit a new record of 16.7 million. ME then grew and peaked at 19.6 million in 6/79. By the start of the Great Recession…

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Power Play


In 2013, proved US oil reserves hit a record 36.5 billion barrels and natural gas reserves reached a record 354 trillion cubic feet. However, the level of reserves varies over time. Exploration and technological advances increase them, while production reduces…

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Flat Fiz


The Friday File: In 2014, flavored, unflavored, carbonated and non-carbonated non-alcoholic beverage sales in the US fell by 1% to 12.76 billion gallons, or 40 gallons/person, the 10th consecutive year of declining volume. The top seller, Coke with a 17.3%…

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