
Crash Concern


When investors were recently asked what the likelihood was of a crash similar to Black Tuesday (October 29, 1929) or Black Monday (October 19, 1987) occurring during the next six months, the median response was 10%. The actual probability, 1.7%.…

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Rising Rentership


Last week, we learned that the seasonally-adjusted homeownership rate declined to 63.1%, the lowest level since 1965, yes 1965, and a steep fall from the peak of 69.4% in 04Q2. Since the start of the recession in 01/08, there’s been…

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Gnarly Growth


The US economy sputtered in Q2, growing at a rate of just 1.2%/year! Consumer spending rose a strong 4.2%, exports jumped 1.4%, and real final private sales increased 4.8%. But, government spending was down 0.9%, residential fixed investment declined 6.1%,…

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Tall Tales


The Friday File: Dutch men, at almost 6’ and Latvian women at 5’7” are the tallest in the world. Men from Timor-Leste, at 5’3” and Guatemalan women, at 4’11” are the shortest. American men at 5’10” are 37th tallest, while…

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Indecisive Interest


Yesterday’s Fed statement suggesting that “near-term risks to the economic outlook have diminished” that “job gains were strong” and “household spending has been growing strongly” indicates a Fed that’s again taking steps to prepare the market for a rate rise,…

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Downer Durables


After peaking at $70.7 billion in 9/14, new orders for non-defense capital goods excluding aircraft (core capital goods), have been steadily falling and were just $62.3 billion in 6/16. They are down 3.7% Y-o-Y; 3.8% YTD. New orders for all…

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Inventory Irritant


While existing home sales in June were at a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 5.57 million, their highest level since 2/07, sales remain 22% off the peak of mid-2005. A key reason; a low inventory that essentially hasn’t budged since late…

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Venal Venezuela


While most nations are struggling mightily with how to boost inflation from microscopic levels, Venezuela has more than enough. This year, Venezuelan inflation is expected to reach 500%, and in 2017, a terrifying 1,650%. Declining oil prices alone hurt, but…

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Baby Block


The Friday File: The number of foreign adoptions by Americans fell by 12% in 2015 to 5,648, down from 6,438 in 2014 and a peak of 22,884 in 2004, from which the number has steadily declined. In 2015, the number…

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Damn Debt


For the year ending 6/16, the budget deficit totaled $523 billion, up 20.6% from a year earlier. As a percentage of GDP, it’s 2.9%, the highest level since 3/15. Revenues grew 2% in the last 12 months, spending grew 4.3%.…

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