
Grand Growth


The US economy grew at a strong 3% during 17Q2, up from an earlier estimate of 2.6%. The improvement was the result of significantly stronger consumer spending, and this is very important, private investment! As the labor market tightens and…

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Jumpy Jobs


Employers added just 156,000 jobs in August, and June and July were collectively downwardly revised 41,000. Yet job creation is averaging 185,000/month since June, and 176,000 YTD; excellent numbers this late in the cycle. More puzzling, wage growth has been…

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Vacation Void


The Friday File: From 1976 to 2000, Americans used about 20 days of vacation/year. Since then, the number has steadily declined, hitting a low of 16 in 2014. In 2015, it rose to 16.2 and last year: 16.8! 44% of…

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Divided Data


Data released today were a perfect microcosm of the US economy. On one hand, job growth is excellent, with involuntary weekly terminations at lows last seen 40 years ago. Moreover, real consumer spending growth is solid at 2.7% and the…

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Bigger Borrowing


After peaking at almost $375 billion in 2005, originations of home-equity lines of credit (HELOCs) plummeted to just $62.5 billion by 2010. Since then they have been steadily rising, and through 1H17 already total $84 billion, suggesting annual volume of…

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Trade and Trade Deficits are not Related, Really!


Since the beginning of the 2016 presidential election cycle, President Trump has repeatedly argued that trade deficits with other nations are indicative of unfair trade. His contention is that if we just negotiate better trade deals, deficits would disappear, and…

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Hurricane Harvey


Hurricane Harvey will probably cause $75 billion in economic damage, less than Katrina’s $130 billion, but still making it the second most costly storm just ahead of Superstorm Sandy’s $71 billion. Crude prices are down 3% as refineries have shut,…

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Beautiful Banks


While housing and autos are struggling, albeit for very different reasons, banks are doing splendidly! Net interest margin, or the difference between what banks lend and borrow at rose to 3.22 percentage points, the highest since 13Q4. Partly as a…

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Dynamic Dodgers


The Friday File: This year’s LA Dodgers are, to date, one of the best baseball teams ever assembled. Their current .714 winning percentage would put them in a tie for the fifth winningest club, and on pace to win 116…

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Crisis Cause


While the 10th anniversary of the first signs of the Great Recession occurred on 8/9/17, what will cause the next recession? My list includes: geopolitical risk, Chinese overreliance on debt, a trade dispute that gets out of hand, a global…

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