
Rate Relationship


As the Fed reduces its huge balance sheet over the next several years, what will its eventual holdings consist of? Traditionally, it’s only been Treasuries. Now, holdings include $1.8 trillion in mortgage-backed securities, bought to support housing, and $2.5 trillion…

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Presidential Polling


While over a year away, based only on presidential popularity, if the 11/18 mid-term elections were held now, the Republicans would be expected to lose 40 House seats, giving control of the chamber to the Democrats. This result is based…

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Inadequate Inflation


Headline inflation as measured by the CPI is 1.94%, and, after falling for some months, is again rising, partly on the back of rising rent inflation. The core rate, which excludes food and energy, and is a better measure of…

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Presidential Pets


The Friday File: In addition to being the nation’s oldest first-term president, its wealthiest, and the first with no military or governmental experience, President Trump is the first President since Andrew Johnson (1865-1869), and only one of three without a…

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Commodity Cash


The global oil market, based solely on the value of oil produced and thus excluding options, futures and the like, is $1.7 trillion/year, more than all other raw material markets combined. Gold is next at $170 billion/year, one-tenth the size…

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Horrible Hurricanes


The destruction of private wealth and public infrastructure caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma is roughly $200 billion. The impact on GDP growth will critically depend on how fast refineries in Houston and tourism in Florida recover, along with how…

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Median Money


Median household income rose 3.2% in 2016 to $59,039, finally surpassing the previous inflation-adjusted record of $58,665 set in 1999, yes 1999! In addition, the male-female wage gap narrowed from 79.6% in 2015, to 80.5%, and the poverty rate declined…

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Durable Data


While durable goods orders fell in 6.8% in July, ex-transportation orders (which exclude aircraft orders as they are profoundly mercurial), were up 0.5% M-o-M and 5.6% Y-o-Y. Better yet, Y-o-Y ex-transportation orders are growing at their best pace since 12Q1.…

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Bicuspid Bucks


The Friday File: In 2016, the Tooth Fairy left an average of $4.66, up from $3.91 in 2015. In total, tooth fairies left $290.6 million! First teeth are especially valuable, bringing in an average of $5.72. The tooth fairy visits…

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Gone Government


Since 1977, there have been 11 federal government-wide shutdowns. Nine times those shutdowns have lasted three days or less, once, in 1995, it lasted six days. The shutdown in 2013 lasted the longest, 16 days, but most Defense Department workers…

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