
Podium Perfection


The Friday File: With the 2018 Winter Olympics and its 102 events upon us, the question is “How will Team USA do?” While predictions are particularly hard when state-sponsored performance enhancing drug programs are involved, the USA should win 10…

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Fiscal Follies


The US budget deficit hit 9.8% of GDP in 2009. It then steadily declined to 2.4% in 2015, thanks to curbs on defense and discretionary spending worked out by Obama and Republicans, ultra-low interest rates, and rising tax revenues due…

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Investment Increase


One key component of GDP is corporate investment in equipment and 2018 should be good. The combination of tax cuts, improved business confidence, strengthening global demand, high enough oil prices, a weaker US dollar, very low unemployment, and concomitantly rising…

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Returning Reasonableness


After a decade of weak inflation, suddenly synchronized global growth, the fastest US wage increase since 6/09, and fiscal stimulus from the GOP tax cut have convinced investors it will become pervasive. This, they fear, will cause the Fed to…

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Rural Ruin


Since 1/1/10, total employment growth has been 14% in the 53 metro areas with a population exceeding one million. In metro areas between 250,000 and one million, employment growth has been 9%, and in smaller metro areas, it’s been just…

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Football Fanatics


The Friday File: The percentage of adults who consider themselves pro football fans is an astonishing 60%. College football and baseball are next at 45%. NBA basketball follows at 39%, then college basketball at 35%. Pro boxing is sixth at…

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Reliable Remittances


In 2016, people living abroad sent $574 billion back home. These remittances are more than three times that of official development aid and are more stable. Nepal received $6.6 billion in remittances, 31.3% of its GDP. Kyrgyzstan follows with $2…

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Economy looks great, but housing inventory too low, economist tells Richmond-area home builders

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Swiss Security


While Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies are the rage for some, for others it’s Swiss National Bank shares! Shares are up 320% since 1/31/16 to 5,480 francs ($5,866). Sure, they print their own money, but private shareholders have limited voting rights,…

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Trade Trouble


The US has a relatively large $500 billion/year trade deficit, 2.5% of GDP. While tariffs on solar panels and washing machines may slightly boost US manufacturing activity, they may also encourage trade retaliation. Think of China buying planes from Airbus,…

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