
Car Cash


Between 8/12 and 7/20, used car prices were stable, but starting in 8/20, used car price inflation skyrocketed. For the year ending 7/21 inflation was a stunning 41.4%. However, by 7/22 Y-o-Y inflation was just 6.5%, and since 11/22 prices…

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Property Prices


Since peaking in 3/20, the price of institutional-quality commercial real estate has declined by an average of 22%. The biggest decline has been in office space, which has seen prices decline 35%, followed by apartments which are down 30%. Over…

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Popular Pot


The Friday File: In 1969, just 12% of Americans supported legalizing ganja. That percentage quickly jumped to 28% by 1977 and remained at that level for 20 years. Since then, the percentage has steadily risen. 34% in 2001, 50% in…

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Claus Cash


From 1950 through 2022, a period of 73 years, the average December Santa Claus stock market rally has averaged 1.443%. However, from 12/1 through 12/15 there has been, on average, no gain. Santa seems to arrive on or about 12/16…

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Rate Revisit


While the Fed kept rates unchanged, something entirely expected, it was the shift from a hawkish pause, one with a rate hike bias, as was the case after the last two meetings, to a dovish pause, a pause with a…

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Cost Components


The CPI is designed to broadly capture changes in the prices of goods and services purchased by U.S. consumers. The largest component is housing, with a weight of 44.6%. Next is transportation at 17.2%, then food and beverages at 14.2%.…

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Payroll Performance


U.S. payrolls grew a net 199,000 in November, 152,000 after accounting for previously striking workers. 199,000 is the fourth weakest number since 1/21, all of which have occurred since 6/23. Wage growth ticked up slightly despite the labor market’s continued…

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Veep Votes


The Friday File: On 12/5/23, Vice President Kamala Harris broke the almost 200-year old record for casting the most tiebreaking Senate votes at 32. The prior recordholder was Vice President James Calhoun who, during his eight years as Vice President…

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Glittering Gold


While gold prices are setting nominal price records at $2,000/oz, inflation adjusted, gold doesn’t shine. As recently as 2020 it was close to $2,400/oz, and in 2011 it was almost $2,500/oz. In 1980, gold traded at slightly more than $2,500/oz,…

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CO2 Conundrum


In 2022, US coal-related CO2 electricity generation emissions declined 7% due to an 8% reduction in coal-fired power generation. That capacity was, however, replaced by natural gas, solar, and wind such that CO2 emissions from electricity generation declined just 4%.…

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