Month: September 2021

Expansive Exurbia


From the housing bust until the pandemic, home prices in neighborhoods within a 10- or 20-minute commute to the city center appreciated more quickly than more distant areas. Covid-19 has reversed that as people have moved further away yet almost…

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Price Pressures


The CPI rose 0.9% M-o-M in June, 0.5% in July and just 0.3% in August. Similar Y-o-Y numbers show inflation declining from 4.5% in June to 4.2% in July and 4% in August, a nice decline! But, trimmed measures of…

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Tolerable Trade


In the years leading up to the 2008/09 Housing Bust, the monthly US trade deficit regularly hit $70 billion/month, or $840 billion/year. At the time, that was a whopping 6% of GDP. Now, the US trade deficit is running at…

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Modern Mores


Non-marital childbearing has increased significantly among women of all educational levels. Over the last quarter-century however, the largest increase is among college-educated women 32-38. In 1996, the percentage was 4%, today it is 24.5%. Among women 32-38 with only a…

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City Characters


The Friday File: The shortest city name in 28 states has three letters; in 17 states it has four letters. Here is where it gets interesting. In three states, CT (Derby), DE (Dover) and NH (Dover), the shortest city name…

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Covid Coverage


177.4 million Americans have been fully vaccinated, 53.4% of the population. 40 million cases of Covid-19 have been reported. Assuming no one gets Covid-19 twice, that 53.4% of those testing positive for Covid-19 are vaccinated, and that reported cases are…

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Money Mayhem


The US Treasury will, unless the debt ceiling is raised, start running out of money around Halloween. The term of Fed Chairman Powell ends on 1/31/22. President Biden must realistically announce his decision before Thanksgiving. Lastly, Congress must pass a…

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Labor Lost


The US Economy added 235,000 jobs in August, well below the 700,000 expected, but decent. Blame it on the Delta variant and labor shortages. The leisure and hospitality sector, which has averaged 350,000 new jobs/month through July, added none in…

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Lauding Labor


The Friday File: Labor Day became an official national holiday on 6/28/1894 when President Cleveland signed a bill into law during the infamous and deadly Pullman strike. Back then, the work week was from Monday to Saturday and was 60-65…

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Fed Flexibility


Financial markets are jittery about the Fed’s plans to taper its monthly purchases of Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities, not so much because tapering itself is likely to raise rates, because it won’t. Rather, markets fear that the end of tapering…

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