Month: January 2017

Heroic Hindsight


For those of you with perfect hindsight, 2016 was a financial feast! You invested in natural gas, which jumped 57.6%, diesel fuel, which bounced 53.8%, and crude oil, which rose 45%. You also brilliantly invested in the Brazilian stock market,…

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Amateurish Advice


Today, 49% of firms in the S&P 500 are rated as “buy”, 45% are rated as “hold” and just 6% are rated as “sell”. This is a travesty! This past year, despite being a good one for equities, 30% of…

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Financial Fitness


For the health of your financial portfolio I recommend three things. Don’t listen to expert predictions; experts can’t forecast the future any better than you. Next, fees paid to financial advisors/managers reduce your return. Make sure you are getting value…

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