Month: October 2014

Battered Bernanke


The Friday File: Former Fed head Ben Bernanke, someone who knows a thing or two about home mortgages as under his watch the Fed purchased $1.5 trillion of them, was unable to refinance his mortgage. Here’s a guy who earns…

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Gathering Growth


The final reading of Q2 US GDP growth was just pegged at an annual rate of 4.6%. With this, US GDP growth has exceeded 3.5% for three of the past four quarters. Moreover, consumer spending is inching up, government headwinds…

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Bad Building


Sales of new homes hit an annualized seasonally adjusted rate of 504,000, the best reading since 5/08. But one month is not a trend, the data are very volatile, and unusually, August had five weekends, prime buying time. YTD new…

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