The Bowtie Economist's Daily Dose of 70-Word Wisdom

Peak GDP Growth; Dismal!


On a 4-quarter trailing basis real GDP growth peaked at 3.2% in Q3 of last year, declined to 2.8% in Q4 and now stands at just 2.3% If that Q3 peak of 3.2% holds, it will be the be the…

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Debt Ceiling Decisions


The Congress will raise the debt ceiling! There have been 6 Biden Summit meetings (hosted by VP Biden and attended by 3 key players from each party) in the past 6 weeks but 3 are scheduled for this week, the…

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Shift to Capital Goods


According to the Dept. of Comm. since the recovery began business spending on employees has increased 2%, while spending on equipment and software (E&S) has risen 26%. A spending rebound that divergent has only occurred once–after the ’82 recession. This…

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Triple Crown Drought


The Triple Crown drought has reached 33 years since Seattle Slew won in ’78 (Secretariat in ’73). Why the dearth? The ’85 tax law changes proved dramatic. Owners no longer could write off racing expenses unless they were involved on…

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Stupid Senator Shelby


In April ’10 Obama nominated MIT economist Peter Diamond, to be a Fed governor. Sen Shelby questioned his experience. Moreover, he got all the R’s on the Sen Banking Comm. to vote against confirmation. In Oct ’10 Diamond won the…

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Come Fly Away


Ever wonder why airfare from Pittsburgh (Pitt) to Las Vegas (LV) is less than from LV to Pitt? If you fly from Pitt to LV you are going on vacation and you have lots of choices. But if you are…

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Well Chilled Champagne?


A Singaporean investor set a new record for the world’s most expensive champagne by paying $44,000 for a bottle of 1841 Veuve Cliquot. It was salvaged from a shipwreck 165 feet deep off the Aland Islands located between Sweden and…

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No Jobs, Weak Productivity


Jobs, where are they? The Labor Dept. employment tally came in at 54K well off the 232K in April and 194K in March. While our economy may be entering another “soft patch” the thing is you don’t get 2 of…

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Economy is Not Fun


The Institute of Supply Management’s Manufacturing Activity Index fell to 53.5 in May from 60.4. This shows the pace of manufacturing activity moderating since the index reached a 7 year high of 61.2 in March. Add to it a decline…

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Education Revolution


The cost of education is so high, student achievement so dismal and technology and computerized pedagogy sufficiently developed and ubiquitous that the long awaited education revolution is about to begin. If ed moves to an online teaching model students could…

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