Bullish Britain
06/17/2014 | | Bank of England, econ70, Economic forecasting, economist on radio, economist on TV, eisenberg and economics, Eisenberg and housing economics, Eisenberg and public speaking, Elliot eisenberg, funniest economist, funny housing economist, Graphsandlaughs, graphsandlaughs and eisenberg, Great Britain, housing sales, MLS, mortgage banking, Multiple listing service, politics and economics, Public speaking economist
Across the pond, the UK economy is really picking up. Employment is up sharply, real GDP rose 3.1% in the first quarter, the best growth since 2008, the labor force participation rate is 72.9%, the highest it has been almost a decade and hours worked are at a 25 year high. If these trends continue much longer, expect the BOE to start raising short-term interest rates well before mid-2015.