Trivial Tax Talk
03/03/2014 | | econ70, Economic forecasting, economist on radio, economist on TV, eisenberg and economics, Eisenberg and housing economics, Eisenberg and public speaking, Elliot eisenberg, funniest economist, funny housing economist, Graphsandlaughs, graphsandlaughs and eisenberg, housing sales, Max Baucus, MLS, mortgage banking, Multiple listing service, politics and economics, Public speaking economist, Representative Camp, Tax Reform
While many praise Representative Camp (R-MI) for proposing a pro-growth yet DOA overhaul of the nation’s tax system, the fact that he is termed out as Chairman of the tax writing Ways and Means (W&M) Committee in 1/15 and that his partner, former Senator Max Baucus, is now the powerless Ambassador to China, suggests Camp did it to show he at least did something about taxes while heading W&M.