Increasing Interest
06/16/2014 | | econ70, Economic forecasting, economist on radio, economist on TV, eisenberg and economics, Eisenberg and housing economics, Eisenberg and public speaking, Elliot eisenberg, funniest economist, funny housing economist, GDP, GDP revisions, Graphsandlaughs, graphsandlaughs and eisenberg, housing sales, Janet yellen, MLS, mortgage banking, Multiple listing service, politics and economics, Public speaking economist, tapering
While expecting Q1 GDP growth to be revised down to an annualized rate of -2% from the current -1%, expect the Fed to keep tapering on autopilot and reduce it by another $10 billion to $35 billion/month at the conclusion of the June 17-18 meeting. Markets will now be laser-focused on how and more importantly when the Federal Reserve plans to engineer the first increase in short-term rates since 7/06.