Alien Activity
07/18/2014 | | econ70, Economic forecasting, economist on radio, economist on TV, eisenberg and economics, Eisenberg and housing economics, Eisenberg and public speaking, Elliot eisenberg, funniest economist, funny housing economist, Graphsandlaughs, graphsandlaughs and eisenberg, housing sales, MLS, mortgage banking, Multiple listing service, politics and economics, Public speaking economist, www.econ70.com
The Friday File: Since 1974, there have been almost 90,000 reported UFO sightings worldwide, most in the USA! Washington State is number one in sightings per capita (and number two in total sightings behind California) followed closely by Montana and Vermont. Other states with relatively high per capita sightings: Arizona, Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Oregon. Sightings peak between 7PM and 11PM, especially on Fridays. Surprisingly, no Colorado!