Tag Archives: Demographics

Delayed Demography

As standards of living in industrializing nations improve, their population soars. Here’s why. As better sanitation, food and healthcare are introduced death rates in industrializing countries rapidly fall. But, birth rates remain stubbornly unchanged as it usually takes at least a generation for them to decline to the new lower “replacement fertility” rate. This process is called demographic transition.


The Millennials (born ‘81 and ‘00) are the largest age group in the US, numbering 85 million or 28% of the total US population. By contrast, there are just 79 million Baby Boomers (26%), and 61 million Generation Xers representing 20% of the population and born between ‘64 and ’80. The Millenials, like the Boomers before them will eventually shape our art, culture, politics and much more. Start catering to them.

Minorities Growing Fast

Demographics 101: Over the past decade the US population has grown by 9.7% to 309m. Minorities accounted for 92% of that growth. The ranks of Hispanics swelled by 43% to 51m. The Asian population grew at the same rate to 15m. Blacks increased in number by 11% to 38m. All minority groups put together jumped by 29% to 112m. The non-Hispanic White population grew by 1.2%.