Tag Archives: Immigration

Do The Math

Following the collapse of the U.S.S.R., 300 of their top mathematicians moved here. Their impact on American mathematicians was surprising. The number of papers published by American mathematicians whose research was most similar to that of the Russians dropped dramatically, and as a result they were quite likely to move to lower-ranked universities. Other mathematicians were unaffected; more evidence that immigrants only impact those with whom they directly compete.

Immigrant Demographics

Since ‘09, Asian immigrants have outnumbered Latin American. In ‘10 430,000 Asians came to the US (36% of all new immigrants), compared to 370,000 Hispanics (31%). Since ’00, 14% of Asian immigrants have been undocumented compared to 45% of Hispanics. Despite the recent surge, Asians are just 6% of the US population (18 million). Whether this trend continues will depend on the relative health of the emigrant economies — and ours.

Give Me Your Tired…

Christians, 33% of the world’s population, comprise half the world’s 214 Million Immigrants (MI). Muslims, 25% of the population, comprise 28% or 60 MI, Hindus, 15% of the population, comprise 5% or 11 MI, and Jews, 0.25% of the population, comprise 2%, or 4 MI. This means 25% of Jews have migrated to a foreign country, 5% of Christians, 4% of Muslims, and 1% of Hindus have done the same.