Tag Archives: Fiscal Stimulus

Varying Interest

All interest rate increases aren’t created equal. A rise in 10-year treasury rates from 2%, where they are now, to 3% or 4% is a sign of improving business conditions and opportunities resulting from a strengthening economy. By contrast, a rise in rates from, say, 5% to 7% or 8% is a sign of an overheating economy that is creating systematic inflationary pressures and must be cooled.

Countercyclical Measures

Including the stimulus, tax cuts, bailouts, home and car subsidies and automatic stabilizers (i.e. unemployment insurance and food stamps) the Great Recession will add about $4.2 trillion to the federal debt by the time it ends. The largest contributor; automatic stabilizers. They kick in when the economy slows. These stabilizers will add about $1.9 trillion to the debt by the time the economy is back to normal in 2016.