Student Loans Growing

There has been an incentive burst of auto buying recently but in reality the majority of credit growth can be found in student loans! It is worth noting that student loans are probably the only type of loan you can qualify for when you have no job (or prospects) and need to pay for room…

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Beauty Beats Bucks

While money may not buy happiness beauty buys both money and happiness. Economic research shows that the beautiful are happier than the plain. Moreover, the majority of beauty’s effect on happiness works through its impact on economic outcomes! For example, better looking people earn more and marry those that are better looking who inturn earn…

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Budget Brawl Begins

The budget battle over FY ’12 is here! The R plan makes big cuts to Medicare & Medicaid, ignores Social Security (SS) and keeps the Bush tax cuts. The D plan, will also ignore SS (2 risky) and will propose; cuts to many programs, reduction of popular tax deductions, increased taxes for the rich and…

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